Starting your baby on Solids
This blog is dedicated to all the mums and dads who are about to embark on a new exciting adventure of introducing solids for their...

The Renewed National Cervical Screening Program
The two yearly Pap test for women aged 18 to 69 will change to a five yearly human papillomavirus (HPV) test for women aged 25 to 74....

Studio 10
Debunking medical myths on Studio 10

Australian Women's Weekly
Dr Fielder chats with Australian Women's Weekly about the myths around crossing your legs and offers advice to those who sit at desks all...

The Glow
Medical professionals are exposed to some pretty strange and confronting scenes. Dr Fielder chats with The Glow about the things she...

Fever in Children
As a mother of 3 children I know first hand how distressing it can be when they get sick, especially when they have a high temperature....

The Glow
There are times when our body is telling us we need to go, but we just can't. You could be in an important meeting or maybe you're one of...

The Glow
While a period that's a few days out is manageable, if it's happening regularly it could be in response to something going on in your...

The Glow
It's important for women to be able to know what's healthy and what requires medical attention. 6 types of vaginal discharge and what...

The Glow
Even if you’ve experienced it for years, the sight of blood marks in your undies generally isn’t a welcome one — especially when you know...