Women uses lemon test to detect her own breast cancer
“Without having seen a picture randomly with real information, I wouldn't have known what to look for.” Read the full article here

Woman, 25, dies from cervical cancer, had “begged” for smear tests but was refused
Her family claim she was told she couldn’t have a test because she was too young. Read the full article here

The weight of the world on their shoulders
Read the full article here.

Pap Smears Are Being Phased Out Across Australia In 2017
From next year onwards, women across Australia will no longer be able to receive a Pap smear test; the Department of Health is rolling...

We Should All Know by Now, But CAN You Wear a Tampon Overnight
Read the full article here

Essential Kids
They're borderline okay, you have to work, and you're trying to decide whether to send them to school or not. Dr Fielder recently chatted...

Essential Baby
When you’re pregnant, you need to be careful about any medications you take, especially in your first trimester. Dr Fielder chats with...

They hear our heartbeats and sum up our strides - Dr Fielder chats with MiNDFOOD about the increasing popularity of health tracking...

The Renewed National Cervical Screening Program
The two yearly Pap test for women aged 18 to 69 will change to a five yearly human papillomavirus (HPV) test for women aged 25 to 74....

Studio 10
Debunking medical myths on Studio 10